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20 Minute Initial Consultation (Free)

The initial consultation is offered via phone or video. This gives us an opportunity to begin to get to know one another, ask and answer questions, discuss possible session protocols and determine if we might be a good fit to work together. This process includes reviewing the initial safety self-assessment, intake forms and informed consent documents. Please contact us to set up an initial consultation.


info (at) cannacocoon (dot) org


Santa Rosa, CA, USA

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: CC Journeywork LLC dba CannaCocoon fully complies with all local and California State Cannabis laws and all federal laws and regulations. We are a harm reduction, mindfulness service and education company. We do not promote illegal activities or provide resources for obtaining illegal substances or illegal psychedelic psychotherapy services. Mindfulness Based Psychedelic Therapy is not psychotherapy although it works well as an adjunct support.

CC Journeywork LLC dba CannaCocoon does not provide or sell cannabis for any aspect of our program and it is not a retailer, supplier, reseller, distributor, agent, representative or subcontractor of any cannabis supplier or retailer.

As a psychedelic harm reduction program we do not support the misuse or abuse of Cannabis, any other drug or psychedelic medicine. Nor do we believe that Cannabis or psychedelic medicine exploration, even within the confines of applicable laws, is appropriate or beneficial for everyone.